Lord of the Flies

by William Golding, adapted by Nigel Williams

Directed by Lena Schmitt

Assistant Directed by Amalia Sandine and Observed by Nel Blinman

Scenic Design by Cal Kennedy

Costume Design by Anna Ten Eyck and Willow Torres

Lighting Design by Jo Williams

Sound Design by Maddie Hanley

Props Design by Grace Lee

Stage Manager: Jamie Nickerson

Fight & Intimacy Director: Elise Tuckwood

Dramaturg: Ciara Berardi

Cast: Aisha Akorede, Emelia Aragon, Zachary Demers, Sawyer Grabow, Annabelle Goldsmith, Rowen Goring, Katie Kendrick, Emmy Kopstein, Sabrina Mangone, Isabel Moon, Kwezi Shongwe, Jocelyn Wadland

April 23, 2023

Judee Wales Watson Theater, Emerson College